Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!

Song of the Day: Silver Surfer, Ghost Rider Go!!!

The song of the day today is a more recent find—though it’s not a particularly recent song.

It’s Trentemøller’s Silver Surfer, Ghost Rider Go!!!

I pretty much always have music on in the background when I am writing—whether its creative or for role-playing games. In this case, I had playlist that was helping me keep in the headspace when writing for a cyberpunk game (some RPG fanatics will see what I did there). I was in the zone and when I let the playlist just run, it found some other songs in the same vein as what I had been listening to.

And then on came “Silver Surfer, Ghost Rider Go!!!”

I stopped writing because I had to see what this was. This was so absolutely within my wheelhouse, I started hunting down other songs by the same artist. While those were good, I couldn’t find anything that matched “Silver Surfer, Ghost Rider Go!!!” Surf electronica dance punk wave? Yeah. That.

Anyway, it might not have been perfectly cyberpunk, but it was perfectly cool. This song exemplifies one quadrant of my musical tastes, that place that fuses 60s power pop, surf punk, dance, electronica, ambient, and alternative. It doesn’t replace “Keep Hope Alive” as my walk-on music, but it’s damn close.