Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Month: May 2017

I’m An Imposter

In honour of the Imposters funding (Todd Crapper and Josh T. Jordan on the same project? The collected awesome of that project will undoubtedly create a singularity of awesome, but instead of nothing escaping the event horizon, it will constantly Read more…

Through the Gate in the Sea: A Review

I was quite thrilled when I heard that Through the Gate in the Sea was available. I’m a fan of Howard Andrew Jones’ work, and while I consider his non-tie-in fiction to be his strongest, I will always buy a Read more…

Logan: A Review

Thanks to the wonders of repertory cinemas, I had a chance to see Logan last week. It seems this was good karma for helping a friend in need, and it was more than an adequate reward. I’ve been a Wolverine Read more…