Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Month: August 2009


So, are you wondering why I’m so quiet? I’ve been busy, honestly, and here’s a round up of some of the stuff I’ve been doing. Mundus Novit: Dark Horizons is serial fiction based in the Mundus Novit setting. We’re up to episode Read more…

Remember Where We Parked the Legionary Standard!

Collider is telling me that there’s going to be an Eagle of the Ninth movie. I’m kind of torn. It’s Roman, so that’s cool. It’s in Scotland, so that’s cool. I wasn’t a huge fan of the novel, though. Not Read more…

Playing “Have You Met Bilbo?”

Slashfilm is telling the world that Ian McKellan knows who will be the Hobbit in the Hobbit. It’s awesome that McKellan will return to reprise the role he played so well in the Lord of the Rings movies. Filming is Read more…

Rover Couldn’t Keep Him in the Village

Collider is running a story that Christopher Nolan is off the Prisoner movie. That’s a shame. If there is one director out there that could do justice to the Prisoner, it’s Nolan. Still, I have my doubts about resurrecting the Read more…

Are You a Solomon Kane or a Solomon Can’t?

Yeah. Wow, that’s a stupid title. It’s early and I’ve only just embarked on my first coffee. Count me as one of the people excited about the upcoming Solomon Kane movie. I’m a fan of the stories, and I’ve liked Read more…

What Do You Mean “Not Listening?”

Do I need to come to your house and personally add Collateral to your podcatcher, then threaten your cup of coffee until you agree to listen? Don’t make me harm this innocent coffee! I’ve drank plenty of coffees, and I’m not above Read more…

A Couple of Losers!

Coming Soon made my day. Head on over there for shots from the filming of the Losers. The photos have got Jeffrey Dean Morgan (Clay) and Idris Elba (Roque) and are likely early in the story. I won’t say more—read Read more…

Assassin on Assassin Action!

While perusing the articles on Twitch, I discovered an upcoming action release called the Tournament. The elevator pitch? (My new favourite term, by the way) A priest is accidently caught up in a tournament of assassins in which the winner Read more…

The Usual Way of the Wolverine

Now, I was not terribly impressed with X-Men Origins: Wolverine (yes, I did finally break down and see it). Everything seemed kind of acceptable but nothing really shone. It just didn’t excite. Nothing made me sit up and notice. I Read more…

This Isn’t the BSG Movie You’re Looking For

Or maybe it is? Not only has Universal confirmed a Battlestar Galactica movie, they’ve confirmed it’ll be directed by Bryan Singer. Wow. Just wow. Here’s the thing, Glen Larson is on board and it looks like this is going to Read more…