Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Month: December 2008

Snowflake Project: The Extended Plot Synopsis

So, the next step in the Snowflake Method is to take each sentence of the plot paragraph, and create a paragraph from that. I didn’t take that literally. The sentences from the plot paragraph are not reused or somehow stretched, rather the Read more…

Plot Discovery – A Day’s Work

I’ve mentioned before that finding a plot is never a problem for me, only putting it into practice. Here’s an example. I was watching a special on James Brown, and there was some comment on the traumas of his early Read more…

GOLD: Episode 1 – When a Star Falls is live!

Via a press release from www.goldtheseries.com: Just in time for the holiday break, Episode 1: When a Star Falls is live at www.goldtheseries.com: It’s just over five weeks until the World Goblins & Gold Championship. Two years have passed since Read more…

What’s Up With the Green Hornet?

I’ll bet a lot of you, like me, enjoyed the old Green Hornet TV series. I’ve been excited about the possibility of a big screen incarnation, especially when I heard that Stephen Chow was attached, not just to play Kato, Read more…

Wolverine Trailer

Thanks to Accidental Rob for pointing to this. And now I am F#%KING PUMPED for this movie. Hurry the f#$k up with this! myspace.com/x-menorigins

Terminator: Salvation Trailer

Is there anyone as yet unaware that the Terminator: Salvation trailer is up? No? Okay, just checking. I remember loving Terminator when I saw it on video. I was immediately hooked. I became a John Cameron junkie, watching everything he Read more…

Clive Owen in the International

Clive Own in a new action movie? Count me in. It’s got Naomi Watts, which–while perhaps not in the Monica Bellucci category, oh Monica–is definitely an asset. It’s from the director of Run Lola, Run–a good sign–but the writer doesn’t Read more…

More Comics on TV?

Seems that ABC is bringing the comics Fables to TV. Fables is a DC comic about which I have heard (via the Monarch Comics Briefing) many cool things, but is not one I follow. Of course, I follow so few Read more…

EVE Online Fanfest

From CCP and EVE Online: Greetings from CCP. Every year we are amazed at the experience of Fanfest. For our staff, it is a cathartic chance to meet face-to-face in with fans in celebration of a shared love, EVE Online. Read more…

Race to Witch Mountain

How many of you out there fondly remember the “Witch Mountain” series of movies from Disney? Well, they’re coming back, and frankly the trailer looks pretty interesting. I doubt I’ll go and see this, but if my daughter and daughter-to-be Read more…