GOLD: Episode 1 – When a Star Falls is live!
December 20, 2008
Via a press release from
Just in time for the holiday break, Episode 1: When a Star Falls is live at
It’s just over five weeks until the World Goblins & Gold Championship. Two years have passed since the Prologue, and the American team has won two more Silver medals under Jonathan’s leadership. This year, however, Jon, nursing an injury gained during the semi-finals, clashes with his wife and his agent as he learns a piece of devastating news. Meanwhile, Richard exercises his newfound power, and the rest of the American team must scramble to adjust to new leadership.
Episode 1 is available at in Standard Definition (default), High Definition, and in downloadable format, suitable for use with iPods, iPhones, etc. You can also subscribe to the GOLD episodes in Apple’s iTunes store by searching for GOLD the Series in the iTunes store or by clicking on the “Subscribe in iTunes” button at
This past month has been wonderful for us here at GOLD. We’ve gotten so many positive reviews and comments about the Prologue, it has been a little bit overwhelming. We want to thank everyone who watched the Prologue, and who said such amazing things about us. We’re extremely grateful for your support and kind words. A few highlights we wanna share:
“It’s like…a really geeky version of ‘The Office’.” (Escapist Forum Comment)
“This is one of the best pieces of subtle comedy I’ve seen on the web.” (Escapist Forum Comment)
“Over all there’s an impressively (dare I say it) Altman-esque atmosphere of casual and fresh conversation. And it works…” (Tilzy.TV)
“…the characters are endearing and genuine…” (Tubefilter)
“The dialog, production values and acting are all top-notch…” (Escapist Magazine)
As always, you can watch and re-watch GOLD to your heart’s content (we encourage it), share it with friends, and generally go wild with it. If you’ve got a blog, feel free to embed the video on your site, too. Share the shiny elvish love.
That’s all for now. Keep checking for news and updates, and visit our friends and sponsors who have links and ads on our site. And, thanks for supporting GOLD.