Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: charity

Earthquake in Nepal

You may not be aware that there was a major earthquake in Nepal. The aftershocks were almost as bad as the actual earthquake. For a country with the limited infrastructure and emergency services as Nepal, natural disasters cause levels of Read more…

The Michael Rohan Memorial Fund

I wanted to get the word out about this as it is both a good cause and a good purchase. This is what Fabled Environments is saying: Fabled Environments is proud to announce a .PDF Charity Bundle to benefit the Read more…

In Which I Get Sanctimonious

I’ve been out and about for the last month or so and haven’t had a chance to do anything fun or spend time with my family. I’m now back home, surfing them IntarTubes, having beers on patios, and watching my Read more…

Build Up Some Karma AND Your SEP Library

Cross-posted at Sword’s Edge Publishing. Here’s the deal. My daughter is fundraising for the Heart & Stroke Foundation through her school’s Jump Rope For Heart. Don’t know how many of you out there have a few spare dollars, but if Read more…

My Friend Wikipedia

I just wanted to mention that Wikipedia is on a donation drive. Wikipedia is something I use regularly to get some general information or a general idea on a topic. Its summaries of film noir and hardboiled novels have provided Read more…

Supporting Relief Efforts for Japan

Cross-posted at SEP For those of you who follow the news even slightly, you’ve seen that Japan was rocked by an earthquake, struck by a tsunami and there are now reports of a volcano. To try to help support disaster Read more…

DriveThruRPG’s Customers Donate $178,900.00 to Doctors Without Borders for Haiti Relief

Posting directly from the press release: (Atlanta, GA) – DriveThruRPG, an online marketplace for traditional dice-and-paper roleplaying games, recently conducted a fund-raising program in the wake of the devastating earthquake that affected Haiti. The effort resulted in an amount of Read more…

Gamers Help Haiti

This is being cross-posted everywhere I can. I’m betting you’ve all heard about the disaster in Haiti. I’m sure that you would love to be able to positively contribute to helping the people of Haiti. There are lots of ways Read more…

John Ostrander Benefit

I was a huge fan of the late 1980s early 90s Suicide Squad. That means I was a huge fan of John Ostrander. Over at Comic Mix, there’s an article regarding some hard times that have hit Mr. Ostrander. It Read more…

Let’s Help a Brother Out

David over at the PodgeCast put together a little Chipin action for Daniel Perez, not only a cornerstone of the podcasting and gaming community, but a really nice guy as well. I’ve tossed in a few bucks. If we all Read more…