Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: Nefertiti Overdrive

RPG Thoughts: Genre As Window Dressing?

A picture of a wizard on a dark seacoast by cliffs approaching a castle and a young person overlooking a bright, futuristic city

Right now I have a couple of playtests happening as I work on a robust role-playing game system—a game that is complex, with many pre-defined components that is more about player choice than player creativity when it comes to character Read more…

Driving Miss Nefertiti

It’s been a while. Just checking back in to warn you that you might be hearing more from me as I’m planning on crowdfunding a print version of one of my games. You can find out more at Sword’s Edge Read more…

How I Messed Up Nefertiti Overdrive

Just after I put out the Quickstart rules for Nefertiti Overdrive, I had a discussion with a respected game designer regarding the characters. He was very unhappy with what he saw as an exclusion of Africa in a game set Read more…

Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt – The First Ptolemies

In episode 11 of Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, Dr. Brier relates the rule of the Ptolomies, descendants of Alexander’s friend and general. Now while the Ptolomies seem more like actual pharaohs than Alexander did – after all, they are Read more…

Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt – the Nubians

As you might imagine, my favourite episode of Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt has to do with the 25th dynasty. The Nubians, the Kushites, the Sudanese, call them what you will, the 25th dynasty is the focus of Nefertiti Overdrive. Read more…

The Great Courses Listen Throughs

If you’ve been around here any length of time, you’ve likely seen me write about the Great Courses. I’m a huge fan of the courses, and different ones have influenced Kiss My Axe, Centurion, and Nefertiti Overdrive. That might be Read more…

Ancient Inspiration and Immortals of Bronze

Immortals of Bronze was an idea that didn’t actually go anywhere. We had one, maybe two games, and then moved on to Nefertiti Overdrive. I reviewed Cities of the Ancient World, a lecture series from the Great Courses, and I Read more…

The Final Countdown!

The end of the Nefertiti Overdrive Kickstarter is nigh. Get in on the action while you can. We’re at 129% of our goal. If we hit $4,500, there will be maps for the adventure. This mother is already funded and Read more…

Nefertiti Overdrive Inspiration: the Last Legion

Nefertiti Overdrive is funded at 107% as of now. That doesn’t mean I’m slacking off. The latest update uses Aishwarya Rai’s character in the movie the Last Legion as inspiration for the Serpent. There’s still 15 days for you to get Read more…

Nefertiti Overdrive Inspiration: 300

We’re at 90% funded with 18 days to go, and the most recent update looks at getting inspiration from the movie 300. What are you waiting for? Go check out the Nefertiti Overdrive Kickstarter!