Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!

The Final Countdown!

Avenue of the Rams by Kieron O’Gorman

The end of the Nefertiti Overdrive Kickstarter is nigh. Get in on the action while you can. We’re at 129% of our goal. If we hit $4,500, there will be maps for the adventure. This mother is already funded and its going to happen, so get in on it while the gettin’ is good. You won’t be able to get it cheaper when it hits the shops. If you don’t have the money for it now, let everyone you know who might dig this know about it, because the better we are able to make, the better a product you’ll be picking up later.

Because even if you don’t support the Kickstarter, you’re going to pick it up later. Right?

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