Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: X-Men

Logan: A Review

Thanks to the wonders of repertory cinemas, I had a chance to see Logan last week. It seems this was good karma for helping a friend in need, and it was more than an adequate reward. I’ve been a Wolverine Read more…

X-Men: Days of Future Past

So, I finally saw X-Men: Days of Future Past thanks to it being on Netflix. I have to say, while I enjoyed the movie, I wasn’t that impressed with it. I had been thrilled with X-Men: First Class when it Read more…

Be a Bit of a Wait for SNIKT!

The word is that we can get a look at the Wolverine, the new Wolverine movie supposedly set in Japan, come 26 July 2013. That’s a long damn wait. However, if they deliver a better move than X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Read more…

Dismissing First Class?

I haven’t really mentioned anything about X-Men: First Class. The thing is in filming right now with Matthew Vaughan (he of Layer Cake and Stardust—and Kick-Ass, though I have not seen that) directing. It’s about the beginnings of the X-Men, Read more…