Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: writing

The Silence of the Solitary Writer

I’m not planning on posting links to this anywhere, and if you are here–on this site–and see this, know that there’s not much here other than lamentation and justification. Why am I writing this? Posting this here? To vent. I Read more…

The Light From a Dark Lord Goes Out

Bottom line up front: I won’t be publishing any more selections from Light from a Dark Lord. The intent had been to motivate my continued work on the story. The stats that I am seeing for readership aren’t really doing Read more…

Sharing is Caring

I write fiction because I am compelled to write fiction. There is so much I have written that no one will ever see. I’ve completed a couple of novels and a couple of screenplays that will never get published and Read more…

Fraser’s Iron Fist Story

The last post basically outlined the introductory episode/issue to my version of Iron Fist. In it, Wu met Danny Rand, a martial arts practioner but not the Iron Fist – think of him as Wu’s Colleen Wing from the Netflix Read more…

Fraser’s Iron Fist: Issue/Episode One

So in the last post, I discussed how I would have approached the Netflix Iron Fist. There’s no way this can ever amount to anything, but it was a fun thought experiment, so I thought I’d share it. In the Read more…

If I Had My Dream Job (AKA Fraser’s Iron Fist)

In a discussion about the Marvel series on Netflix, someone asked – since I was very disappointed with Iron Fist – what would I have done. That person obviously had no idea what they were getting into, and while we Read more…

One For Thebes

A recent In Our Time episode, Melvyn Bragg and his guests discussed the Greek city-state of Thebes. There were a couple of points that really piqued my interest – Thebes position in the centre of Greece and its alliance with Read more…

New Daughters, New Glory

I’ve written before about the novel I was working on called Daughter of Glory. About a year ago, I was looking at updating it and considering how I might best present it. Just recently I was plotting out a story Read more…

I’m An Imposter

In honour of the Imposters funding (Todd Crapper and Josh T. Jordan on the same project? The collected awesome of that project will undoubtedly create a singularity of awesome, but instead of nothing escaping the event horizon, it will constantly Read more…

Artist as Protagonist

A recent episode of In Our Time focused on the Japanese artist Hokusai, and the discussion turned to Japan at the time and Hokusai’s place in both the artistic community and the politics of the time – he apparently had Read more…