Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: thriller

Africa Action Inspiration

I believe I’ve mentioned before that I’m writing more modern action than fantasy these days. I am betting it’s due to my viewing and playing habits. I’m still going through Strike Back, which is okay silly fun, but is really Read more…

What Would Dumas Do?

Sometimes I don’t feel like writing for RPGs. This is happening less and less, but it still happens. The other night I went back to a story tentatively titled “Boltcutter” about mercenaries returning to an African country in which they Read more…

Review: Spartan

I can’t believe I’ve never reviewed Spartan before. I’ve watched it at least four times, most recently during my trip. It stars Val Kilmer as a shadowy special operator – so shadowy it’s never clear what branch of the services Read more…

New Fiction – the Detachment

It’s weird, most of my writing life I’ve focused on fantasy, or – more recently – sword noir. These days, I struggle when I am writing fantasy. I have a hard time finding a voice in which to write. What Read more…

Green Zone: A Review

The other afternoon, the wife and I got the chance to see the first movie together in a theatre since Serenity. The children have put a damper on our social life together, but we finally have local friends who are Read more…