Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: sword noir

Getting Out of Everyone’s Head

My latest effort is going poorly, mostly because I’ve been busy with other projects including helping my wife with her studies. However, I’m about three-quarters of the way through a story based on the premise of the adventure “the Kheufer Read more…

Kiss My Axe

Anyone still here? Usual “sorry I’ve been away” stuff aside, I wanted to mention my vision of Viking mayhem and adventure, Kiss My Axe: Thirteen Warriors and an Angel of Death is now available in PDF and Print. January of Read more…

Wherein I Sympathize with Scarface

I’ve put a one-pager adventure up at SEP called “The Lost.” It’s about an ex-Urban Cohort in Everthorn who as lost everything except his little girl, and now an old enemy has taken her. The ex-Cohort has been beaten nearly Read more…

One Page Adventures

Since I tend to run a kind of “seat of my pants” game when I GM, I’ve decided to embrace that. For Sword Noir games, I’m running them using “one-pagers.” The adventure fills one page. It’s an outline, not an Read more…

Forcing the Covert

I’ve been thinking about, plotting, and planning a new RPG campaign. This one is going to be a modern Covert Forces style campaign. Now, in the past, there would have been no dilemma—I would have run it in d20 modern, Read more…

Personal Failings: the Revealing

Gen Con proved to me that I’m still having issues with two of my personal—and linked—failings: my shyness and my attendant inability to sell my wares. If you met me at Gen Con and I seemed a little distant or Read more…

Gen Con 2011

So one of the reasons Sword’s Edge has suffered so much is that I’ve been neck deep in projects all aimed at Gen Con 2011. For those of you not in the know–and I have a hard time believing anyone Read more…

Kheufer Scrollin’

You may have seen this over at the SEP site, but if I’m going to pimp, I’m doin’t it strong, so here she be again. SEP just released its first adventure for Sword Noir: A Role-Playing Game of Hardboiled Sword Read more…

Running Silent

Yes, I’ve been very quiet. I got the manuscript for Kiss My Axe: Thirteen Warriors and an Angel of Death RPG. That’s a Viking RPG based on Sword Noir . . . which continues to sell relatively well. I’m almost Read more…

“A Pound of Dead Flesh” in Black Gate

Holy *expletive deleted* I’m in Black Gate! Listen, there are very few professional venues for heroic fiction, let alone something like Sword Noir fiction, so when John O’Neill—Black Gate’s editor—bought one of my stories, I was thrilled. Now that story Read more…