Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: Superman

Zodagorn and a Hot Martha Kent?

A couple of pieces of Superman casting news leave me conflicted. First off, apparently Viggo Mortensen, Aragorn from Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings adaptations, is in talks—or may even have signed—to play Zod, the villain for the Superman movie Read more…

Ursa? Major!

What character could Alice Eve, Diane Krueger and Rosamund Pike be vying for in the new Superman movie? Well, apparently—and, of course, it’s all just rumours—it ain’t Lois Lane, though she is in the pic. Nope, this very attractive trio Read more…

Kneel Before Zod!

One thing that I forgot to mention regarding the Snyder-helmed, Nolan-produced Man of Steel is the purported identity of the villain. For me, the choice of villain is inspired, in that I was of the right age to really get Read more…

Superman? Get ‘er Done!

This is old, old news now, by Zack Snyder is going to be the man who will helm Man of Steel, the new Superman movie that will be produced by Chris Nolan. This could be cool, if the script from Read more…

Natalie Would Be Super

I think my admiration of Natalie Portman is out there in the open. I think she is a great actress, I think she’s an intelligent person, and I think she is damn hot. Therefore, I registered my vote for her Read more…

Super Nolan!

Christopher Nolan is a busy, busy man. And outstanding. Right now, Nolan is both working on a script for Batman 3 and interviewing directors for the Superman reboot, Man of Steel. There’s not much to say about the Batman 3 Read more…

Is the Dark Knight Returning?

It looks like we’re assured of a sequel to the Dark Knight. That, and Christopher Nolan will be involved in “Man of Steel,” the planned Superman reboot. In regards to the Batman franchise, I’m thrilled that Nolan is staying on Read more…

Superman Begins?

I can’t say I was a huge fan of Superman Returns, Bryan Singer‘s much heralded helming of the attempted resuscitation of the Superman franchise. It wasn’t terrible, but it lacked something, both emotionally and intellectually. I can’t say any of Read more…