Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: Sunday Six

My Week That Was, 3 Mar 2017

My course is done, but in its last week I had to do some reading on Soviet and American denial and deception practices in the Cold War. The articles are all behind a paywall, but let’s just say the USSR was Read more…

My Week That Was, 13 Jan 2017

Due to a SNAFU at the graduate book store, I’m still waiting for my books for this course. We’re already in the third week and I don’t have my books. There have been workarounds for other books, but I really Read more…

My Week That Was, 06 Jan 2017

For my course, I’m working my way through Michael Bennett and Edward Walt’s Counterdeception: Principles and Applications for National Security. So far, I am not enthralled, but it does have a great overview of deception theory and thinkers. I’m also Read more…

My Week That Was, 23 Dec 2016

A little bit late, but I did finally get my thoughts for Rogue One out. I’m working on a final paper for one of my courses, and I’ve been reading a lot about North Korea’s missile program. Two great places Read more…

My Week That Was, 16 Dec 2016

Well, it’s been quite some time since I’ve done one of these. Given that all my other writing is either schoolwork or a commission on which I’m working, I’ll get this out there to break the radio silence and offer Read more…

My Week That Was, 4 November 2016

Still haven’t read anything for class, but I have been reading David Brin’s blog. He’s the author of the Postman, Earth, and the Uplift series, along with a lot of other stuff. He’s also a smart guy who has some Read more…

My Week That Was, 28 October 2016

I haven’t read anything for class because I’m in the final week and was doing stuff like writing a final paper, but I have been reading Dr. Andrei Lankov’s discussion of the emigration of ethnic Koreans from Japan to North Read more…

My Week That Was, 21 October 2016

The best thing I read for class this week was Thomas Fingar’s Reducing Uncertainty, all about the role of intelligence analysis. I’ve been reading Hyena Road, the novelization of the Paul Gross movie I have not yet seen. I ran Read more…

Weekly Round-Up for 4 Jan 2015

These days I’m focusing on getting the Nefertiti Overdrive Kickstarter ready (13 January . . . and don’t you forget it!), so Sword’s Edge is going to be quiet for a while. Not that much of a difference, I know. Read more…

Weekly Round-Up for 28 Dec 2014

Call of Juarez – Bound in Blood: I gotta tell you, this western FPS is pretty much the definition of railroading. Granted, so are all of the episodes in the Call of Duty series, and I enjoy those. And I Read more…