Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: post-apocalyptic

Fallout 76 Falling Down

Cover of the Fallout 76 computer game, which shows the helmet of a set of power armour

I am way, way late on this. I play a lot of computer games but I never buy them when they come out. I pick them up two or three years later when they are 75% off. Rarely am I Read more…

My Problem with Far Cry 5 (and New Dawn)

This article was first presented on my Patreon. I play a lot of first-person shooters, especially open-world FPS RPGs, and I’ve played Far Cry since Far Cry 2. I really like the gameplay of Far Cry 5 and Far Cry: Read more…

Fallout For Me

“Fraser’s been really quiet recently.” Yes. Yes I have. And there’s a reason for that. It’s called Fallout 4. I really enjoyed Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, and while Fallout: New Vegas remains my favourite of the franchise. That’s Read more…

Wreck Age

These days, I’m busy getting Sword’s Edge RPG into shape and dealing with getting back into my MA program after a couple of months off, but I am still always interested in other games. I was pointed toward Wreck Age. Read more…

The Book of Eli

I saw the Book of Eli was available on Netflix (I think it’s recently added, as I hadn’t noticed it before) and given that I am now running a post-apocalyptic role-playing game, I decided to have another look. I had Read more…

Mad Max: Fury Road

I’m still kind of bathing in the afterglow. For me, Mad Max: Fury Road was as much an experience as a movie. I was just so astounded and invested by what was happening up there on the screen, I really Read more…

In Which I Once Again Give Up On Being Deep

I have a project on which I am working right now and part of it is a fiction component. I’m preparing some submission packages for long-form fiction in various genres – action, fantasy, sci-fi, and post-apocalyptic. Now the post-apocalyptic one Read more…

Metro 2033 Redux

I picked up the Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light Redux versions on Steam. I had both of the original games and had not even made it through Metro 2033 due to lack of gasmask filters. The Redux version has Read more…

Snowpiercer, a Review

Given that I’m a fan of South Korean cinema, I was very interested to hear that Bong Joon-ho, the award-winning director of the speculative fiction movie the Host, was set to direct a post-apocalyptic action movie based on a French Read more…

On the Border . . . lands

So big. So angry. So dead. If you recognize that quote, you know where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing. And what I’ve been doing is playing computer games. It’s not all I’ve been doing, but it has taken Read more…