Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: Pathfinder

Through the Gate in the Sea: A Review

I was quite thrilled when I heard that Through the Gate in the Sea was available. I’m a fan of Howard Andrew Jones’ work, and while I consider his non-tie-in fiction to be his strongest, I will always buy a Read more…

Beyond the Pool of Stars

One of the high points of Gen Con for me was meeting and chatting with Howard Andrew Jones. I’ve known Howard for quite some time since he generously offered a couple of stories for Sword’s Edge when it was an Read more…

Review: Prince of Wolves

I really enjoyed Dave Gross’ Master of Devils with its nod to Shaw Brother’s martial arts/wuxia movies of the 70s and 80s. The article in which I had read about Master of Devils also mentioned Prince of Wolves as a Read more…

Master of Devils, a Review

I heard of Master of Devils from an article at Tor.com that referred to the characters Varian Jeggare and Radovan Virholt as the new Fafhrd and Gray Mouser. In the article, it mentioned some of the novels that included Jeggare Read more…