Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: Marvel

Black Widow, a review

For those not interested in the all the blather, I recommend Black Widow especially to those who follow the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A great cast made me believe in the main characters, adding weight to even pedestrian lines. It made Read more…

Venom, A Review

Venom was a movie I thought I’d be interested in seeing because of Tom Hardy’s role in it, but then never really bothered to seek it out. It sought me out, and I can understand, now, my minor but not Read more…

This Captain Is Marvelous

This was first posted on Patreon. Today the family went to see Captain Marvel. I’m lucky in that my wife and kids are almost as excited about seeing the latest Marvel or Star Wars movie in the theatre as I Read more…

Black Panther

I’ve been writing lots of game stuff, so haven’t been focused on my blog. If you are one of the few that pops around here regularly, my apologies. You can always join me at my Patreon! But that’s not the Read more…

Thor: Ragnarok – I Love It So Much I Want To Marry It!

Okay, I just got back from Thor: Ragnarok – well, I got home, did the prep for dinner, then wrote this, but almost literally ‘just back’ – and I have to say: go see this movie. Go see it twice. Read more…

The Defenders: The Verdict

I had plenty of momentum when I wrote my review of the first episodes of the Defenders. Finishing the series, that motivation and momentum died a barely noticed death. It’s not that the series was bad, but it had a Read more…

The Defenders – the First Five Episodes

I’m up to episode five with the Defenders, and I’m enjoying it so far, except for Iron Fist. But let’s leave that until later. Let’s heap some praise on this before I unleash the disdain. One word of warning: if Read more…

Logan: A Review

Thanks to the wonders of repertory cinemas, I had a chance to see Logan last week. It seems this was good karma for helping a friend in need, and it was more than an adequate reward. I’ve been a Wolverine Read more…

Marvel’s Iron Fist – the First Seven Episodes

I’m up to episode 7 in the Netflix series Marvel’s Iron Fist and while it’s fine, I find it the weakest of the Marvel series. Without getting into spoilers, the main character is pretty wooden and this is not offset Read more…

Netflix’s Daredevil: A Review

When I first got into comics, it was just after Frank Miller’s run on Daredevil, but it was because of his work – and specifically the run collected in the Born Again graphic novel – that Daredevil was on my Read more…