January 4, 2016
The final lecture in the Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt series is on Cleopatra. Now, I’ve been down on Dr. Brier for including so much of the Ptolomies in this course, but I believe the inclusion of Cleopatra is apt. Read more…
RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!
January 4, 2016
The final lecture in the Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt series is on Cleopatra. Now, I’ve been down on Dr. Brier for including so much of the Ptolomies in this course, but I believe the inclusion of Cleopatra is apt. Read more…
December 15, 2015
In episode 11 of Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, Dr. Brier relates the rule of the Ptolomies, descendants of Alexander’s friend and general. Now while the Ptolomies seem more like actual pharaohs than Alexander did – after all, they are Read more…
December 8, 2015
Episode 10 of Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt doesn’t really talk about a pharaoh, because their time has passed. This episode is about Alexander the Great (about whom you can learn much, much more in Dr. Kenneth Harl’s Alexander the Read more…
November 9, 2015
As you might imagine, my favourite episode of Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt has to do with the 25th dynasty. The Nubians, the Kushites, the Sudanese, call them what you will, the 25th dynasty is the focus of Nefertiti Overdrive. Read more…
November 6, 2015
This is very, very late, and I hope you’ll forgive me. However, I’m afraid that’s going to happen again. I’m heading off on an adventure on 10 Nov and won’t be back until Dec. I’m hoping to get a couple Read more…
October 26, 2015
The Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt course embarks on an episode about a pharaoh known as “the Great,†which is only fitting. Wow, that’s a tortured opening. Meh, I’m going to leave it. This time we are looking at Rameses the Read more…
October 19, 2015
Here we are to chat about the second Tutankhamen lecture from Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt. You were expecting this earlier, I know. As I mentioned over at SEP, between my job, my family commitments, and starting a Master’s program, Read more…
October 5, 2015
Although this episode is titled Tutankhamen – The Lost Pharaoh, it really isn’t so much about Tutankhamen as it is about the finding of his tomb, and that’s totally okay with me. This is a fascinating dissertation on how Egypt Read more…
September 28, 2015
Welcome back to the Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt listen through, and this time we’re looking at someone as different in his own way as Hatshepsut when it came to being a pharaoh: Akhenaten, who Dr. Brier calls the heretic Read more…
September 26, 2015
So, we’re still talking about episode 3 in the Great Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt series. Last post, I exclaimed my one real concern with the lecture – the dismissal of the possibility that Hatshepsut led the military – but this Read more…