Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: Kickstarter

Sword’s Edge on Kickstarter

In case you didn’t know, I’ve got a Kickstarter going for a new edition of Sword’s Edge. I think it’s awesome, but then again, I’m biased. Still, you should check it out.

Robert E. Howard’s Conan Roleplaying Game

In case you aren’t listening to the Accidental Survivors podcast (and why are you not?), you might not know about Modiphius Entertainments Kickstarter for Robert E. Howard’s Conan Roleplaying Game. It’s funded already, with a lot of stretch goals hit. Modiphius Read more…

The Final Countdown!

The end of the Nefertiti Overdrive Kickstarter is nigh. Get in on the action while you can. We’re at 129% of our goal. If we hit $4,500, there will be maps for the adventure. This mother is already funded and Read more…

Nefertiti Overdrive Inspiration: the Last Legion

Nefertiti Overdrive is funded at 107% as of now. That doesn’t mean I’m slacking off. The latest update uses Aishwarya Rai’s character in the movie the Last Legion as inspiration for the Serpent. There’s still 15 days for you to get Read more…

Nefertiti Overdrive Inspiration: 300

We’re at 90% funded with 18 days to go, and the most recent update looks at getting inspiration from the movie 300. What are you waiting for? Go check out the Nefertiti Overdrive Kickstarter!

Nefertiti Overdrive Kickstartering

I would expect that if you are reading this blog you already know, but Nefertiti Overdrive is Kickstarting now, and the campaign will run until 10 February with a target of $3,000. There’s a free Quickstart to sample the game Read more…

Playing vs. Producing: Fight!

It’s true that I’m using time I could be productive to play a computer game. I could be finishing one of my in progress stories. I could be working on improving one of my in progress RPGs. I could go Read more…

Sunday Six for May 18

Copying from the Friday Five on Quinn Murphy’s Patreon, I’m going to do a Sunday Six, referring to six pieces of media or news items which drew my attention last week. 1) Flash Gordon. I stayed up late because I Read more…

In Which I Recognize How Shallow I Am

In case you didn’t know, Nefertiti Overdrive: Ancient Egyptian Wuxia didn’t fund. That’s unfortunate, but I’ve had the last week to just kind of relax (not totally, seems there is always work around the house I can do once I Read more…

Kickspamming Nefertiti Overdrive

Filling up my social media with so many reminders that the Kickstarter for Nefertiti Overdrive is almost over that it feels like spamming. Then again, we’ve got just over a day to go and just under $3,000 to raise, so Read more…