Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: holiday

Merry Christmas!

This is posting Christmas morning, but I’m writing it on Christmas Eve while I’m on my third rum and egg nog. My post over on SEP last night came off a bit “first world problems” with my whinging about my Read more…

Remembrance Day

The poppy is ubiquitous in Canada around 11 November, which is our Remembrance Day, when we are supposed to remember the sacrifices made in wars great and forgotten. The poppy is used based on the poem “In Flanders Fields,” which Read more…

Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving

One of the awesome things about being Canadian is that we get Thanksgiving first! That and you get to be Canadian. How awesome is that? Happy Thanksgiving!

Glorious Canada Day

Happy 148th birthday to my favourite country on the planet . . . and beyond. I’ve been all over the world, but there’s no place I’d rather be living right now with my family than Canada, and especially the nation’s Read more…

Welcome to 2011

And so 2011 is upon us. Luckily, it’s another year before those who have totally misread the Mayan calendar begin to panic. Unfortunately, the world appears to be just as messed up at the opening of 2011 as it was Read more…

Happy Canada Day!

Thanks, Canada, for being the best country in which to live in the world . . . at least for me and my family. Canada. Fuck yeah!