Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: Green Lantern

Dead Wolverine Pool

For a while there, it looked like the Wolverine might have been the movie I wanted X-Men Origins: Wolverine to have been. Now, that’s falling apart. First, the director, Darren Aronofsky, left the project. Then natural disasters and their aftermath Read more…

Alien GL Goodness

Comic Book Movie has pics of the final design for Kilowog from the upcoming Martin Campbell/Ryan Reynolds Green Lantern movie. It looks pretty cool. The question is, will we have Gollum or Jar Jar? Gollum—for me—integrated seamlessly into the movie. Read more…

Born to be the Bestest Evar!

A synopsis for the Green Lantern movie apparently official and supposedly from Warner Bros. has been circling the intarwebs. It sounds interesting, but not particularly inspiring. The synopsis basically boils down to Parallax threatening the very universe and Hal Jordan Read more…

Angela At the Wall

First off, let me say, I like Angela Bassett. I’m not going to say I’m a fan, because it’s not like I follow her work or anything, but she has consistently delivered in everything in which I’ve seen her. Also? Read more…

Strong Is Sinestro

So, whether it was supposed to be official or not, Geoff Johns revealed on Twitter that Mark Strong is going to be Sinestro. This isn’t a huge surprise, but it’s now kind of official. Personally, I think this is awesome. Read more…

Could Sinestro be Strong?

Man, the internet and its crazy casting rumours . . . which I help to propagate in my own little way. You’re welcome. Okay, so the deal with Sinestro is that it is not Jackie Earle Haley, which is exactly Read more…

A Legion of a Villain

This is in danger of becoming the Green Lantern blog, which is odd, since I’m not particularly excited about the movie. Irony, thy name is . . . see below. So I was out there reading Screen Rant, which I Read more…

Where’s the Cosmic?

The Green Lantern info keeps coming, and none of it has made me too excited. Recently, the Hollywood Reporter has revealed that the villain in the Green Lantern movie will be Hector Hammond. Peter Sarsgaard is in negotiations to play: Read more…

Blonde Sapphire

And here I was going on about how I wasn’t overly excited about the Green Lantern movie, and here’s more Green Lantern news. I’m still not overly excited. The Hollywood Reporter is saying that Blake Lively will be playing Carol Read more…

Green Lantern, eh?

I haven’t posted on it much–if at all–but that’s not to say that I have no interest in the expected Green Lantern movie, especially since fellow-Canuck Ryan Reynolds is on board as Hal Jordan. I was a Green Lantern fan Read more…