Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: fantasy

Say It Ain’t So, Guillermo!

Step back, please. There’s going to be some fiery language. You have been warned. 3 . . . 2 . . . 1 Mother-f#cker! Guillermo del Toro is leaving the Hobbit. One of the elements that actually got me excited, Read more…

3-D Kicked My Puppy

Oh god. Please, stop the madness. So the Last Airbender (It’s Avatar: the Last Airbender, and James Cameron should have not been a dick and let them use the title) is going to be converted into 3D. Converted, as in Read more…

Bryan and the Beanstalk?

Now here’s something interesting. I’ve been hearing about Bryan Singer doing a “Jack and the Beanstalk” movie for a while, but this is the first time I’ve heard what it is actually going to be about. It seems Christopher McQuarrie, Read more…

Waiting for Guillermo

MGM’s financial woes have not only affected the James Bond franchise, but are also messing with the Hobbit. I just want to state plainly here that if you can’t get excited about Guillermo del Toro directing a Peter Jackson production Read more…

I’m King Arthur! . . . No, I’m King Arthur!

In the realm of “WTF?” we are getting three—yes, three—King Arthur movies in the future. Because Antoine Fuqua’s King Arthur wasn’t enough to kill the legend . . . though I’m sure it came damn close. Actually, if you pretend Read more…

Casting At Conan

Things have been a bit quiet, yeah? Sorry about that. A bit busy. There’s been some Conan news that might interest some of you. It certainly interested me. Sorry that I haven’t been keeping up with the casting information–probably because Read more…

The Sarantine Mosaic

Just in case you’re interested, I’ve tried to unload my thoughts regarding my top ten books from the interview in On Spec. In that post, I mention the Sarantine Mosaic is my favourite Guy Gavriel Kay work—and of the two, Read more…

For Simple Awesome

I think I like the title “Mercenary Hack of the Fantasy World.” Screw that, I love the title. For those of you just joining us, I’m the featured author in the current issue of On Spec. It’s also got my Read more…

How About Them Tudors, eh?

Having done some reading on the Tudor period in England, I naturally cooked up a novel using a lot of the premises. The idea is to set it in a fictional setting based on Tudor England (Jutemark, perhaps?) and focuses Read more…

Like a Fantasy Fiction Kegger

So looking around at possible markets for the writing I’m not doing, I found Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, subtitled “Prose. Poetry. Pulp.” Promising. I decided to check out a story, just to see in what they might be interested. The first Read more…