Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: d20

In Which I Consider Peanut Butter

The great dilemma, as revealed in the last post, is the system which I’ll use for a new modern military, Covert Forces-style campaign I’m plotting out. Crunchy/robust or smooth/light? How do you like your peanut butter/RPG? In order to answer Read more…

Forcing the Covert

I’ve been thinking about, plotting, and planning a new RPG campaign. This one is going to be a modern Covert Forces style campaign. Now, in the past, there would have been no dilemma—I would have run it in d20 modern, Read more…

the Grim-N-Gritty Hit Point and Combat Rules

I’m one of those people who doesn’t really like the present rules for armour class and hit points in d20. Chris Marlowe has written an article about the same dissatisfaction. In that article, Mr. Marlowe discussed a few solutions. Well, Read more…