Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: Covert Forces

Review: Spartan

I can’t believe I’ve never reviewed Spartan before. I’ve watched it at least four times, most recently during my trip. It stars Val Kilmer as a shadowy special operator – so shadowy it’s never clear what branch of the services Read more…

In Which I Consider Peanut Butter

The great dilemma, as revealed in the last post, is the system which I’ll use for a new modern military, Covert Forces-style campaign I’m plotting out. Crunchy/robust or smooth/light? How do you like your peanut butter/RPG? In order to answer Read more…

Forcing the Covert

I’ve been thinking about, plotting, and planning a new RPG campaign. This one is going to be a modern Covert Forces style campaign. Now, in the past, there would have been no dilemma—I would have run it in d20 modern, Read more…