Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Tag: Board games

Three Games from Saturday Morning

This weekend, I got a chance to play some games with my two girls (ages 8 and 10). I’ve mentioned these games before, but each of them deserves another shout out because they are so great. These are games that Read more…

Weekly Round-Up for 4 Jan 2015

These days I’m focusing on getting the Nefertiti Overdrive Kickstarter ready (13 January . . . and don’t you forget it!), so Sword’s Edge is going to be quiet for a while. Not that much of a difference, I know. Read more…

House Ruling the Crap out of Arkham Horror

I had always heard great things about the boardgame Arkham Horror. Long to play, yes. Heavy on the bits and pieces, yes. You need to have a 1200 square foot home simply to have enough space to set up the Read more…