Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Category: Role-Playing Games

Being Rich Among the Magic Poor

I like to run low magic games. This doesn’t mean no magic. I prefer the Conan-style of game, in which only the bad guys have magic. I can’t honestly explain this fascination for me. My intro into fantasy (if one Read more…

Kickstarting Fabled Environments

You may remember Fabled Environments and Charles White from the times he’s been on the Accidental Survivors podcast. Fabled Environments produces some really impressive maps for use with modern-era campaigns. Now Fabled Environments is trying to get a PDF map Read more…

D&D Next, How Do I Love Thee?

Since Wizards is talking about it, I assume I can as well. The new iteration of the D&D Next playtest rules came down the pipes, and I’ve had a look. I am very stoked. What I see so far is Read more…

Reform School Ninja Girls

Do you know about the Dino-Pirates of Ninja Island? If not, you need to acquaint yourself with it. But not right now. Right now you need to head on over the Reform School Ninja Girls page at Indiegogo and put Read more…

To Fund or Not to Fund

This summer has been crazy. We are renovating our home. I removed some crap DIY shelving in the basement the previous owner left, repaired and painted the walls, and laid some vinyl tile. I’ve finished the kitchen cabinets, including a Read more…

The Michael Rohan Memorial Fund

I wanted to get the word out about this as it is both a good cause and a good purchase. This is what Fabled Environments is saying: Fabled Environments is proud to announce a .PDF Charity Bundle to benefit the Read more…

Rho Pi Gamma Podcast

In case you don’t feel like you have enough me in your life (and, honestly, not even I have enough of me), you can check me out on the Rho Pi Gamme podcast chatting about podcasting, gaming, SEP, and stuff. Read more…

Kiss My Axe

Anyone still here? Usual “sorry I’ve been away” stuff aside, I wanted to mention my vision of Viking mayhem and adventure, Kiss My Axe: Thirteen Warriors and an Angel of Death is now available in PDF and Print. January of Read more…

Why Are You Writing RPGs?

As opposed to firing them off? Oh, the other kind of RPGs. A lot of my creative energies recently have been focused on RPGs rather than writing fiction. I’ve been asked why. It’s not something for which I had a Read more…

Wherein I Sympathize with Scarface

I’ve put a one-pager adventure up at SEP called “The Lost.” It’s about an ex-Urban Cohort in Everthorn who as lost everything except his little girl, and now an old enemy has taken her. The ex-Cohort has been beaten nearly Read more…