Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


Category: Role-Playing Games

Fiction, RPGs and Personal Preference

I’ve started a few short fiction vignettes. They are not complete stories so they are not technically flash fiction. This is more about setting mood or illuminating characters. The two pieces I’ve done, each under 750 words, have been inspired Read more…

Playing vs. Producing: Fight!

It’s true that I’m using time I could be productive to play a computer game. I could be finishing one of my in progress stories. I could be working on improving one of my in progress RPGs. I could go Read more…

On the Border . . . lands

So big. So angry. So dead. If you recognize that quote, you know where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing. And what I’ve been doing is playing computer games. It’s not all I’ve been doing, but it has taken Read more…

In Which I Recognize How Shallow I Am

In case you didn’t know, Nefertiti Overdrive: Ancient Egyptian Wuxia didn’t fund. That’s unfortunate, but I’ve had the last week to just kind of relax (not totally, seems there is always work around the house I can do once I Read more…

Kickspamming Nefertiti Overdrive

Filling up my social media with so many reminders that the Kickstarter for Nefertiti Overdrive is almost over that it feels like spamming. Then again, we’ve got just over a day to go and just under $3,000 to raise, so Read more…

Nefertiti Overdrive Testdrive

I’m planning to run two sessions of Nefertiti Overdrive on Google Hangout using the Roll20 app. This is a chance to testdrive the system if you’ve been unsure if this is something you want to support. Though, honestly, if you Read more…

The Music of Creation

I’ve been working a lot on Nefertiti Overdrive, and I’m almost always listening to music when I do so. I have my “Centurion playlist,” the music to which I listened when I worked on Centurion: Legionaries of Rome. I’ve added Read more…

Gender Roles and Nefertiti Overdrive

I put an update up over at the Nefertiti Overdrive Kickstarter page about the use of alternate characters and genders. For those of you not backing Nefertiti Overdrive yet (wait, you haven’t back my Kickstarter yet? Thanks. Thanks a lot) Read more…

A-Team Losers

So, this morning – thanks to Netflix – I re-watched Joe Carnahan’s the A-Team, with Liam Neeson, Bradley Cooper, Sharlto Copley, Quinton “Rampage” Jackson, and – a personal favourite – Jessica Biel. When I was a kid, I watched the Read more…

Fallout From Video Games (see what I did there?)

Okay, cut the cricket sounds. I get it, I get it. I’ve been neglecting my blog. But see, there’s a really good reason for that. I’m addicted to a video game. Oh, and a TV series. I’ve made mention before Read more…