Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!

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I write fiction because I am compelled to write fiction. There is so much I have written that no one will ever see. I’ve completed a couple of novels and a couple of screenplays that will never get published and never get shared. I have untold pieces of short fiction that no one else will ever see. I don’t write to publish. I write because I must.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t want to share it. And this coming year, I will share it. I have completed the first novel of a planned trilogy. I’m calling the series The Cyclops Banner, and the first novel is A Bloody Crown. I’ll be sharing that online here and will also publish it as an ebook. Each two weeks, I’ll publish a new chapter. There are 34 chapters, so that’s about a year and a half of content.

I’ve mentioned that before, but just clarifying that will happen. What I haven’t mentioned is that I will also be sharing my work-in-progress. It’s called Light From A Dark Lord. I’ve got eight chapters of it complete, but sharing it will help spur me to get this done—I hope. It’s been plotted out, though I have made some changes and am working through some re-writes right now. Right now, it’s planned for around 25-30 chapters. Once I get further into it, I might increase the speed at which it’s released. I’d like to have at least a six-months buffer in my backpocket.

So come 2023, expect more activity at Sword’s Edge. Hopefully, it will be something you’ll be coming back for.

The first chapter for The Cyclops Banner: A Bloody Crown will be released on 1 Jan 2023.