Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!

My Week That Was, 13 Jan 2017

Due to a SNAFU at the graduate book store, I’m still waiting for my books for this course. We’re already in the third week and I don’t have my books. There have been workarounds for other books, but I really need Breaking Al-Qaeda: Psychological and Operational Techniques, which is also a book I’m very interested to read. It’s supposed to arrive Monday, and then I need to read ten chapters and make comments by Thursday. It’s going to be a busy week.

I’m still reading The Shield of the Great Leader: the Armed Forces of North Korea, but I’m also working my way through Augustus: First Emperor of Rome by Adrian Goldsworthy. So far, I’m quite enjoying it, but I haven’t encountered anything yet that is surprising or new – and I probably shouldn’t expect anything. Still, it’s a good read and a good review.

Another session of Nor’Westers (Western tropes set in the Canadian fur trade in 1810) is happening on Tuesday, so I have reviewed what has gone before and prepped for the next session. I’m also struggling to decide if I want to Kickstart Sword’s Edge RPG in order to afford editing and indexing. It would have to be very hands-off and probably electronic rewards only, but it would be nice to get both professionally done.

I’m almost done my fiction commission. I need about 500-750 good words to wrap it up and time is running out.

My favourite podcast this week was Empire’s Rogue One spoiler special which included an interview with Gareth Edwards. There was a wide range of opinions about how the movie could have been better, but all the critics agreed that they enjoyed the movie, which aligns with my thoughts.

I hope you had an enjoyable week!