Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!


I don’t think I will ever be blasé about signing books.

At Breakout Con – which, by the way, was a blast, and will be an intended destination in con season 2016 – I signed some books for a couple of people. I felt kind of embarrassed, in my Canadian self-effacing way, but also immensely proud. Someone wanted me to sign one of my creations, as though that added to its value.

And I wanted to include a cool comment, which I am worried I overdid. Because I like nothing better than second-guessing my decisions.

This kind of sound funny considering I included an extra tier in my Nefertiti Overdrive Kickstarter for signed copies of the book. It didn’t prove popular but certainly more popular than I expected. I had created a fair number of tiers and went looking for advice from my peers. The signed copy tier was one that got a fair amount of support, so I left it in. I’m glad I did.

I mean, honestly, who doesn’t want their work to be appreciated? And I can’t imagine a bigger compliment than asking a creator to sign a book.

So thanks for the ego boosts, Alexander and Rob. It was a great cap to a great weekend.

You can find out more about Breakout Con here.