Robert E. Howard’s Conan Roleplaying Game
March 16, 2016
In case you aren’t listening to the Accidental Survivors podcast (and why are you not?), you might not know about Modiphius Entertainments Kickstarter for Robert E. Howard’s Conan Roleplaying Game. It’s funded already, with a lot of stretch goals hit. Modiphius always does good work. If you’ve been following Accidental Survivors for a while, you’ve heard me interview Chris Birch at Gen Con and he even joined us for an episode. He’s good people and Modiphius does good work.
You can also check out the Quickstart to see if you dig the rules.
Then head over to the Kickstarter and pledge.
You can listen to the Accidental Survivors chat with Chris Birch about Achtung! Cthulu. and as one of the people we spoke to at Gen Con 2011.