Metro 2033 Redux
December 15, 2014
I picked up the Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light Redux versions on Steam. I had both of the original games and had not even made it through Metro 2033 due to lack of gasmask filters. The Redux version has a Spartan mode which is more fight-y and less survival-y, and while I’m still struggling because I am just not a very good player (poor reflexes, which can be a problem because – as Jack Burton always says – it’s all in the reflexes), I have high hopes that while the monsters will continue to regularly kill me, my way forward won’t be blocked due to asphyxiation.
Metro 2033 is a really atmospheric game with an amazing setting. It has inspired me to pick up the e-book of the novel by Dmitry Glukhovsky on which the game is based. I’m a little bit concerned because I strongly suspect that while the setting might be cool, the story won’t meet the very high expectations I’ve built from playing the game. Still, I hope Mr. Glukhovsky gets something from that e-book sale because he deserved it for the setting alone.
You can learn more about Metro 2033 here.
You can learn more about Metro 2033 Redux on Steam here.
I could not clear that damn tower, frustrated me to no end.