Crying For Education
November 19, 2014
Why has this place been so quiet? There are three reasons: my work is gearing up, I’ve started an 8 week International Relations course, and I’ve started playing Far Cry 3.
The less said about work, the better. I do want to point people toward edX, which is one of the services on the internet that provide free university courses. I’m taking a course on the politics of the Korean Peninsula, and while it has only just started, it seems pretty good. It takes about two to three hours a week – which, honestly, is about a third to a half of my free time in a week.
And Steam had a Far Cry bundle for sale. Part of it was Far Cry 3. I’ve written about Far Cry 2 before, and that got pretty frustrating. Far Cry 3, so far, doesn’t have the same problems as Far Cry 2 and I really like the weapon choices and accessories for them. I’ve kitted up with a suppressed Remington M-700 with a high-powered scope (called a Predator in game), a suppressed M14 with an ACOG, a suppressed HK MP5 with a reflex sight, and a Winchester Model 1887 with a red dot sight (which seems kind of weird, but whatever). I suck with the bow.
You can learn more about edX here.
You can learn more about Far Cry 3 here.
I wrote about Far Cry 2 here.