Late Nights with Flash Gordon
May 13, 2014
Already have a coffe in my hand because this morning is starting slow. Why, you might ask? Because those bastards at Netflix were diabolical enough to stream the 1980 Flash Gordon movie to me last night.
Oh, the sweet, sweet campy goodness, bathed in a creamy Queen soundtrack, with just a hint of Timothy Dalton, the spicy tang of Brian Blessed, and a dollop of Max von Sydow.
This isn’t a guilty pleasure, it’s an outright pleasure, obviously filtered through nostalgia. Everyone already knows I am the oldest living human, so it will come as no surprise that I actually saw this in a theatre. I was quite young, but was in the habit of seeing movies in the theatre on my own, a trend that had begun with Star Wars.
I have to admit, that of the bad SF I saw in theatres at that young age, Flash Gordon remains my absolute favourite. And my viewing last night dispelled none of my love for the movie. On the contrary, it is still a great ride.
You can read the Wikipedia article on Flash Gordon here.