Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!

Gen Con: First Thoughts

And so I’ve returned from Gen Con. I had a great time travelling with Chris Bullock (settings editor on Centurion), Chris Groff (mechanics editor on Centurion), and Rob Wakefield (graphic designer for Centurion). The flight back wasn’t too much fun, with poor Chris (mother fuckin’) Bullock on the phone with Air Canada trying to get us seats on a flight other than the connection we were going to miss due to a delayed flight. You’d think that would be easier, but no.

I picked up the books for Hillfolk, Robin D. Laws first release for Drama System. I didn’t buy it, per se, as I had backed the Kickstarter. The books are gorgeous, though I haven’t delved too deeply into the rules (I only got back yesterday!).

I also picked up my copy of Reform School Ninja Girls, which I had supported on Indie Go Go. Corey Reid was there to sign my copy, and he was able to join us for a shin dig at the Rock Bottom on West Washington on Wednesday night, this was before his debauched lifestyle led to questionable encounters with strange women (beatings and wrestling were evidently undertaken).

Volume 4 of Skullkickers was available, and I’m actually glad I hadn’t bought it earlier, as I got a copy and had it signed by Jim Zub. I should have taken my entire collection. I almost did a “let me tell you about my paladin” when I referred to how the comic had effected my home game, but I left it a quick reference and moved along. No need to be that guy.

I picked up the D&D Next preview, Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle. I head some stuff at the con that has me questioning my support of D&D Next, so I’m going to chill on being so vocal. I received the latest playtest package, but I haven’t looked at it yet. Maybe some of my concerns will be mirrored in that new release. We’ll see.

Finally, I picked up Hike from Moosetache Games. I haven’t had a chance to play it yet, but the demo made me believe that it’ll be good for the whole family. It can’t wait for the chance to play with the family. Maybe tomorrow night.

There will be a few quick interviews from the Exhibitor’s Hall for the Accidental Survivors, as well as more reportage on its way. It was a very good con.

For more about Gen Con, go here.

For more about Hillfolk, go here.

For more about Reform School Ninja Girls, go here.

For more about Skullkickers, go here.

For more about Ghosts of Dragonspear Castle, go here.

For more about Hike, go here.

For more about the Accidental Survivors, go here.