Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!

Prometheus is actually an Alien

That new Alien movie? The one directed by Ridley Scott? Well, it’s still a go. That’s good. It’s not going to be an Alien move though. That’s bad. It’s apparently going to have the themes and atmosphere of the Alien franchise. That’s good. It’s going to be called Prometheus. That’s . . . I guess that’s good.

Other than that, it’ll apparently star Noomi Rapace, the new hot property in Hollywood by way of Sweden’s film version of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and its sequels. She’s also set to be in Sherlock Holmes 2 (I really hope it gets a better name than that). I’m pretty meh about that, but I await actual proof—like her performance in SH2—before passing final judgment.

So basically we have an SF directed by Ridley Scott on the way. That is cool, but that means if we see more of the Aliens franchise, it’ll likely be as messy with second- to third-rate directors before becoming a straight to video disaster.

I guess the frogurt is cursed.