Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!

Iredeemable Bad-@$$ . . . size small

Edgar Wright is pretty much a golden boy. I haven’t seen Scott Pilgrim yet (and likely won’t until it hits DVD), but everything I’ve read about it make me think cool! So Mr. Wright talking some Ant-Man movie is pretty sweet.

Seems there’s a second draft of the script in the works, Wright has been a fan of Ant-Man for some time now, and he sees it as a “high-tech spy heist film” with a “bad-ass secret agent.”


I was kind of hoping we’d get something like the Irredeemable Ant-Man, though I guess that is still possible, especially since Mr. Irredeemable (Ant-Man to his friends) is now on the Secret Avengers, doing black-ops type stuff.

I do think that if Wright does deliver an Ant-Man film, it’ll be hot. However, I prophesy that I probably won’t see it until it hits DVD—unless it’s released after the time that my second daughter hits kindergarten. That’s when I start to take my life back.


The Vanity Fair article with Edgar Wright can be found here.

Information on Ant-Man at Wikipedia, here.

And the Iredeemable one himself, Eric O’Grady, here.