In Which I Admit to Having a Life
May 21, 2010
You’ve maybe noticed that things have been quiet here. Then again, maybe you haven’t.
The truth is, I’ve been writing. This makes me very, very happy. When I write, I don’t have time for much else. After the kidlets are in bed, I’ve got an hour to two hours (tops) free. If I want to spend any kind of quality time with my wife (and I do), that means very little time for anything else.
The last couple of weeks, writing has taken up that time.
If you visit Sword’s Edge Publishing at all (and if you don’t, you should . . . at least every Thursday!), you’ll note that sections of Dark Horizons have been coming out every week rather than every other week. That’s because I’m ahead. I’ve been able to create a buffer. I have high hopes that the novella will be done (should be about 45 000 words, so not a novel, but certainly no short story!) very soon. There are 32 sections plotted out.
Note, I don’t call them chapters. They seem too short for chapters.
And I have had a short story released back to me. This is something that was assigned, but for which I was never paid. After 3 years in limbo, I took it back. I also had to rework it. I made it tighter. Now I need critiques so I can polish it up.
Feel like doing a critique of a 6 000 word short story? Email me.
Other than writing, I’ve got a chance to record a couple of episodes of the Accidental Survivors with Rob and Chris, which is awesome. The best part about that, for me, is that it doesn’t feel like we live in different cities so much. I mean, I can’t call them up and go bowling, but at least we get to shoot the shit every couple of weeks.
So, that’s the update. Sorry there hasn’t been more cool movie and comics news. Not much has been happening. Now if Nathan Fillion gets locked in as Ant-Man for the Avengers movie, then I’ll have news for you.