Ghost Rider: Spirit of Sequel
January 8, 2010
I’ve asked before, do we really need more Ghost Rider? Given that I haven’t been motivated to watch the first movie, you can imagine my answer will be no.
Too bad for me. Ghost Rider 2 is a go.
This may actually be a good thing. Why? Well, according to an interview in Collider, Ghost Rider 2 (or, perhaps, Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance) will be a reboot/reset/let’s-ignore-the-past. I’m not the biggest Ghost Rider fan on the planet, far from it, but I did collect a few issues from the 90s, but there was nothing about the first movie that gave me enough motivation to bother watching.
Maybe this one will be different. There’s a lot of time between now and when there’ll be a chance to see the proof in the pudding. Anything can happen.