Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!

Like a Fantasy Fiction Kegger

So looking around at possible markets for the writing I’m not doing, I found Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, subtitled “Prose. Poetry. Pulp.”


I decided to check out a story, just to see in what they might be interested. The first story I came across was “the Hand of Afaz” by Euan Harvey. Rather than a quick sample, I read the whole thing at one sitting. It is one excellent yarn. It also presents a very high bar.

Remember when Sword’s Edge used to have free fiction. Yeah, me too. I’m overwhelmed by nostalgia. Thing is, those days won’t be coming back. But fear not, because Heroic Fantasy Quarterly is free, and it really delivers on its name. Sweet, sweet heroic fantasy.

I honestly haven’t read anything else at Heroic Fantasy Quarterly, but I’m recommending it simply based on “the Hand of Afaz.”

Go check it out. I’m pretty darn certain you’ll thank me later.