Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!

Ong Bak 2 on DVD

. . . with English subtitles!

ong-bak-2dvd.jpgI’m a huge fan of Ong Bak, and I’m really interested in checking out . Right now, the DVD is region 3, so unless you have a regionless DVD player or other method of enjoying the Hong Kong version, you might be left out in the cold for now. Depending, you might be able to adjust the region on your DVD players, though for my player, I only get 4 changes before it freezes, which sucks.

I didn’t hear anything at all about a theatrical release, so I guess I missed it. I would have loved to see the action on the big screen, but I’ll be happy just to see the action.

Keeping my eyes open for a region 1 release.