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Now Playing: GOLD Episode 3

From the press release:

Da dada daaah! GOLD: Episode 3 – “Heart of the Enemy” is here!

It’s the British Invasion at casa GOLD. While Episode 2 introduced Oliver Crane’s Brits, Episode 3: Heart of the Enemy, is is the first episode to show us who these nasty Brits are, and how they plan to beat Richard’s new American team. But don’t worry, there’s still plenty of action from the Americans as well at

Faced with the prospect of battling a reconfigured American team, Oliver Crane launches his British team into a new training program, creating a rift between himself and his lieutenant, Martha. Meanwhile, Jon presses Tim for information about his old team’s training, and Richard forces Sam to choose a character class for the tournament.

“Heart of the Enemy” is available in SD (default), HD, and in downloadable format for iPods, iPhones, etc. You can also subscribe to the GOLD episodes through iTunes by clicking on the “Subscribe in iTunes” button at

Other exciting GOLD news:
-        GOLD is mentioned in “Geek Monthly” magazine this month, in an article about the upcoming Streamy Awards. (PDF)
-        The GOLD Online Store went live this week, filled with GOLD logo items, character posters, and much more. Buy some stuff, and support GOLD.

What’s that? After four episodes and a half dozen emails you still haven’t watched GOLD? That’s okay. All the episodes are there — there’s plenty of time to catch up. In fact, here’s what you should do: on Sunday, while you’ve got your TiVo paused and are waiting for the last few ungrateful stragglers to show up at your party so you can start the Oscars, load up GOLD on your computer and play all the episodes back to back. It’ll delight you and your guests. Guaranteed.