Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!

GOLD Online Store

from press release:

The GOLD online store is live!

At long last, the GOLD Online Store is live at www.goldtheseries.com.

The Online Store is full of fantastic goodies: posters and t-shirts featuring the GOLD Characters, the brand-new GOLD logo, quotes from the series and other geek awesomeosity.* If you like GOLD, RPGs or cool stuff in general, you should totally check it out: www.cafepress.com/goldtheseries.

And, on top of the general awesomeness, when you buy and wear or display something from the GOLD store you can feel proud in knowing that you’re helping to support the ongoing production of this little web series we love.

Of course, the whole point of our little website is the series itself. Please, watch it, share it with friends, if you’ve got a blog, mention us or embed the video on your site. Your good vibes and word-of-mouth is our best route to continued success (and continued episodes).