Sword's Edge

RPGs, Movies, Comics, y'know: nerd stuff!

Collateral Joins the Pig

Just when you thought it was safe to get back in the podosphere, Warpig Radiogets hit by some Collateral from the Accidental Survivors.

A concentrated burst of the inspiration and opinion listeners have come to expect from the Accidental Survivors, Collateral is a weekly podcast on role-playing game related topics. Unlike the Accidental Survivors podcast, Collateralwill cast further afield than just modern gaming. Any topic connected to role-playing games is grist for this mill.

And you can listen to Collateral on the gamers’ radio station, Warpig. Warpig Radio streams a variety of role-playing game podcasts, all of them under 20 minutes and all of them clean and safe for work.

So go check out Warpig Radio.